A tragic incident has unfolded in North Karachi’s Bait ul Anum Apartments, where 7-year-old Sarim was discovered dead after being reported missing for several days. A local resident shared with the media that both the community and police had conducted an extensive search of the area, checking every home and water tank, yet they were unable to locate the child during their initial efforts.
Sarim’s disappearance had left the neighborhood on high alert, with residents uniting to assist in the search. Despite their efforts, the discovery of his body has raised serious questions about how the child remained undetected for so long and under what circumstances he met his tragic fate.
The incident has sparked outrage and grief among locals, with many demanding a thorough investigation into the matter. Authorities have promised to leave no stone unturned as they work to uncover the truth behind Sarim’s death.
This heartbreaking event has also highlighted concerns about child safety and security in residential areas, urging communities and law enforcement to be more vigilant in protecting the most vulnerable members of society. Investigations are ongoing, and further details are expected to emerge as the case progresses.