Exciting New Contestants Join the Culinary Comedy Show
“Laughter Chefs,” the unique culinary comedy reality show, is gearing up for its second season after a highly successful debut this year. Fans are eagerly awaiting its return, and while various names like Rubina Dilaik and Elvish Yadav have been circulating as potential contestants, the latest buzz suggests that Abhishek Kumar, famous for his role in Udaariyaan, is also set to join the new season.
Abhishek Kumar Among Confirmed Celebrities for Season 2
According to a recent report from Times Now, Abhishek Kumar has been finalized as one of the participants for Laughter Chefs season 2, alongside other big names. Abhishek, who gained popularity through his appearances on Bigg Boss 17 and Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, will bring his charm to the show. Other potential contestants include Elvish Yadav, Rubina Dilaik, and Abdu Rozik. Additionally, Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat has also been approached for the new season.
Premiere Date for Laughter Chefs Season 2
While there has been no official confirmation about the premiere date for Laughter Chefs season 2, reports suggest that it is expected to air at the end of January 2025, following the finale of Bigg Boss 18. Fans of the first season, which quickly became a favorite, are excited to see what new twists and comedic moments the new season will bring.
Highlights from Laughter Chefs Season 1
The debut season of Laughter Chefs captivated audiences with its mix of comedy and cooking. Hosted by comedian Bharti Singh and renowned chef Harpal Singh Sokhi, the show featured several Bollywood celebrities, including Kangana Ranaut, Shraddha Kapoor, and Akshay Kumar, who appeared to promote their films. The first season, which aired earlier this year, ended in October, with stars like Ankita Lokhande, Aly Goni, Rahul Vaidya, Nia Sharma, Jannat Zubair, Karan Kundra, and more participating in the hilarious culinary competition.
Abhishek Kumar’s Rise to Fame
Abhishek Kumar, known for his role in the hit TV show Udaariyaan, gained even more recognition after his appearance on Bigg Boss 17, where he finished as the first runner-up. He later showcased his adventurous side on Khatron Ke Khiladi 14. Abhishek’s career began with a cameo in Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania, and since then, he has appeared in several music videos, solidifying his status as a well-known celebrity.
Stay tuned for more updates on Laughter Chefs season 2 as we approach the premiere date!